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What is DNS (Domain Name Server)?

DNS (Domain Name System) is a protocol within the set of standards for how computers exchange data on the internet. It translates human-readable web addresses (domain names) into numerical IP addresses, facilitating internet navigation. Without DNS, users would have to remember complex IP addresses to access websites.

Imagine you’re about to visit a friend’s house for the first time. It’s pretty challenging to memorize their exact street address. Instead, you probably remember their home as “John’s house.”

DNS works similarly for the internet. It’s a system that translates human-friendly website names, like “”, into the numerical IP addresses that computers use to communicate.

info icon
Note: The page is part of the browser vocabulary to help you understand technical terms.

In this guide, I have shared written instruction about:

How DNS Works with Your Browser

When you type a URL into your browser, like “,” you give your browser the name of the site you want to visit. But to fetch and display the site on your screen, your browser needs the precise location and numerical IP address.

Image representing the DNS Domain Name Server

Here, DNS is like your browser’s smart GPS. It takes the URL and looks up the corresponding IP address. Once your browser has the correct IP address, it can retrieve the website data and display it for you.

An Easy-to-Understand Example

Let’s imagine DNS as a massive digital phone book. When you want to call your friend John (visit a website), you look for John’s name in the phone book (DNS server), and it gives you his phone number (the IP address). Now that you have the number, you can call John (your browser can load the website).

DNS handles this process in milliseconds, making your browsing experience seamless and smooth.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, DNS is a crucial part of your browsing experience, even though it works behind the scenes.

By translating URLs into IP addresses, it acts as a bridge between you and the vast world of the internet, making sure you reach the right destination.

So, the next time you type a URL into your browser, remember you’ve got DNS, your digital GPS, to thank for a smooth journey to your digital destination.

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Kushal Azza

Kushal Azza

Kushal Azza is a Google Certified Analytics & IT Professional, Digital Content Creator, and Go-To Digital Marketer with an Engineering Degree. He has over a decade of experience solving tech problems, troubleshooting, and innovating digital solutions. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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