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BrowserHow cover web browsers’ how-to with simple-to-follow tutorials, right from installation to troubleshooting an “Aw Snap!” error.
Our team contributes comprehensive guides and up-to-date information that you can rely on.

Google Chrome
Google Chrome, developed by Google, was first launched in 2008. It is integrated with the Google ecosystem and is available for all devices and platforms.
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Apple Safari
Apple Safari, developed by Apple, was first launched in 2003. It is integrated with the Apple ecosystem and is only available for Apple’s devices and platforms.
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Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge, developed by Microsoft, was first launched in 2015. It is integrated with the Microsoft ecosystem and is available for all devices and platforms.
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Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox, developed by Mozilla Foundation, was first launched in 2004. Firefox is available for all devices and platforms.
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Samsung Internet
Samsung Internet, developed by Samsung Electronics, was first launched in 2015. The browser is available only for Android devices.
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Opera Browser
Opera Browser, developed by Opera Software, was first launched in the year 1995. Opera is available for all devices and platforms.
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Brave Browser
Brave browser, developed by Brave Software, was launched in 2019. It supports all devices and platforms.
Latest Brave topics

Top Reviews
We have tested and reviewed the best of the web browsers. Right from cross-platform supports to helpful extensions.
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Web browsers are prone to errors and issues we can troubleshoot and easily fix without technical support.
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