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Reopen Recently Closed Tabs in Edge on iPhone

The web browser keeps a record of all the pages we have visited, including the page addresses that were mistakenly closed or abruptly removed due to a browser crash.

To reopen the closed tab in Edge, you can visit the Recent tab under the Tabs menu or visit the browsing History from the menu bar and reopen the page.

Reopen Closed Pages using the Recent Tab

The Edge browser has a built-in tab to display the recent pages or tabs list. You can visit the Recent tab under the Tabs menu and select the desired page to reopen.

  1. Launch the Edge browser on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the Tabs icon multi tab icon in the bottom bar.
    Tabs icon in Edge app on iPhoneIt will open the tab overview screen.
  3. Switch to the Recents tab.
    Recent tab with Recently Closed under Tabs menu in Edge app on iPhoneIt will display the list of recent open and closed tabs.
  4. Tap on the Page Address to reopen.
    The selected page will be loaded in the browser tab.

The Recent tab screen displays only recently closed and limited pages; however, you can tap the View Full History option to view your browsing history.

Reopen Page Links from the History menu

If you may have closed any tabs or pages in the past, you can retrieve those closed tabs by accessing History. The Edge browser records all pages visited until we clear it.

  1. Open the Edge browser on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the More horizontal 3-bar icon menu and select the History from options.
    It will display the list of sites visited.
  3. Find the page and tap to reopen it in the browser tab.
    reopen closed tabs from history in Edge browser on iPhone

You can also search for the previously opened sites using the Search history bar instead of scrolling through the history.

Use Search History bar to find the pages in Edge browser

Can I Reopen Tabs in the InPrivate Tab?

Short answer – No.

InPrivate Tab is used for private browsing wherein the history records are not stored or maintained in the browser. Hence, the browser doesn’t offer the option to open recent tabs.

reopen closed tabs in Edge InPrivate mode

However, you can copy the page link and paste it into the InPrivate Tab in the Edge app to browse securely.

Bottom Line

Using browsing history, we can revisit pages or close tabs. It keeps a record of all the pages and sites we have visited in the past.

Do note that it cannot be retrieved if the history has been cleared or you have removed a site/page individually. You must then type the site URL in the address bar or look it up using a search default engine.

Similarly, you can reopen the closed tabs on the computer. Even the Edge app on Android has the feature to reopen tabs or pages.

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Swayam Prakash

Swayam Prakash

Swayam is a professional content creator with 6-years of experience in conceptualizing, creating, and managing tech-based content for notable online publishing firms. He troubleshoots the technical issues and loves to write about it. Connect him on LinkedIn.

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